Monday, April 24, 2017

Out of the quilt closet...

 Well I was straightening up the infamous closet, and I found this!  You can tell it is pretty dated, by the fabrics used...but I like it anyway, LOL! 
I guess the plan at the time was to have a 5x6 quilt, so thirty blocks.  It is rumpled and wrinkled, but I am working on it!  There is quite a bit of applique in the circles bits, so will take some time. 

Do you ever think, "Awwwwww, just make something out of what you have already done, and be done with the project, already!"  I do...but I think this will be cuter and more useful as an actual quilt if I continue on with it. 

Happy Monday, everyone!  This is my home blessing  CLEAN HOUSE DAY!!!

*********************Nurse's notes**********************

I had a three hour mandatory skills fair today, so it took a big chunk out of my day.  Grrrrr!!!!  Five mandatory classes this month, at the hospital.  Too much, I tell ya!!  The hospital is spending big bucks on this education stuff, but I can honestly say...everything I did this morning, I have done for years, and it was a not needed review for me.  I have been teaching this for years.  I would like to see some things I don't know so much craniotomies or pressure readings inside the skull.  That is what I don't know, and what I would like to learn...

Do you have mandatory training where you work, too??


Have a great day!



Libby in TN said...

Yes, I have been known to "just do something" with UFOs.

Nancy said...

Those circles look so bright and cheerful, Julie. They will become a beautiful quilt!

Tired Teacher said...

Yes, every year the school staff had mandatory training on things we had done for years - same training year after year. :o(

Quiltdivajulie said...

DH has mandatory training to sit through over and over - like you, it is stuff he taught for years. So silly to have to check off those boxes!

Janet O. said...

You have some fun UFOs coming out of hiding.
Sometimes I do make something different with just what is finished so far. Other times I hang on and finish the project. Or there is always the third option of stuffing it back in the closet and forgetting about it. I do that one a whole lot!! : )

Randy D. said...

I'm all for just getting it done.. if you weren't inspired before, make something smaller.
VERY nice, even if not huge!
Sorry about the "waste of your time" training today. Maybe not everyone is as skilled as you are??

Little Penpen said...

I agree with you about the mandatory training. And how many CPR classes have we taken??? Lol yet they change something each and every time, just to keep us on our toes! Lol

Loris said...

I like the circles too :-)
Those skills days seem to get worse as time goes on. One I attended was entirely on the several forms needed to be filled out for any procedure. Mind bending! I started to revolt when they wanted me to drive 45-50 minutes in for a 10 minute class which of course they didn't want to pay for.

Karen said...

I like the pinwheel blocks but you need a bunch more for a quilt.
I never cared much for mandatory training when I worked. Sometimes it was more of a get out of work day. I do remember one fun one though I have long forgotten what the theme of the training was.

Barb said...

I have a few of those...just do it and get done with it....wish I could...

KaHolly said...

You are no stranger to patiently piecing away! It will be gorgeous when it's completed, like all your other creative works! As a teacher, I used to have those 'trainings', and seldom did they even apply to me. But sit through them we must. Enjoy your day! XO

Lilac Joan said...

No mandatory training for me. I am retired and I have retired from retirement! However I do miss the feeling of excitement for Friday afternoon. When you can do whatever you want when you want, it seems that nothing is special. I miss that especially on weekends.

How I magically used lots of scraps but ended up with even more!!!!

Well, I am making a simple rail fence, for a chemo quilt.  I ended up using a lot of my 2.5 inch scraps strips, and felt rather virtuous, bu...